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Suppliers - New to NMG

Last modified on Jan 7, 2022, 9:42:23 AM CST

Getting Started

If you are a new Supplier with NMG or new to EDI, this is where you start.  All NMG Suppliers are required to be EDI compliant.  Once you have been set up as a Supplier in our Accounts Payable system, you will have 90 days to become EDI compliant.  


  1. Determine how EDI will be integrated into your organization.  EDI can be conducted through an internal system or via a third  party service provider.  Third Party Provider Options
  2. Obtain a GS1 prefix and UPC/EAN codes from the Global Standards Group.
  3. Assign style numbers and UPC/EAN codes to your merchandise.  This process will be repeated for all new styles.
  4. Register with InterTrade for the UPC/EAN catalogue:
  5. Upload your UPC/style data to your InterTrade catalogue.  You only need to load the product we are buying, however, the catalogue should be updated and maintained as business changes.  Styles should remain on the catalogue until NMG no longer has inventory on that item.
  6. Grant NMG access to your InterTrade catalogue so we can view your data.                                                                     Log on to the catalogue, go to the Catalogue function, select Manage Retailers, and on the new webpage go to the Neiman Marcus Group line.  On the right is the "Access" column with a faded circle (not the orange circle).  Click on that faded circle and grant NM full access.  Once the circle turns solid green, NM will be able to access your UPC data.
  7. Download NMG's mandatory Mapping guidelines to ensure all EDI transmissions are compliant.  EDI 5010 Maps
  8. Once all above steps have been completed, check with your EDI provider to determine if EDI testing is needed.



Ready to Test

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Please reach out to for further instructions



Ready To Ship


856 ASN Transmissions



810 Invoice Transmissions


Details regarding ticketing, packing, preparing shipping documents and shipping to NMG can be found in the Partner Relations section of

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